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Department of Geography

Sri Lanka, Muslims and violence

On the occasion of the devastating bomb attacks in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday 2019, Wiley Publisher has made the paper available free access that S.H. Hasbullah and Benedikt Korf wrote on Muslim politics, inter-Muslim violence and Islamization in Kattankudy.


Kattankudy is located in eastern Sri Lanka and was the birth place and place of residence for some time of Zaharan Hashim, the suspected mastermind of the bomb attacks.

Hasbullah SH, Korf B: Muslim geographies, violence and the antinomies of community in eastern Sri Lanka. The Geographical Journal,Vol.179, No. 1, March 2013, pp. 32–43, doi: 10.1111/j.1475-4959.2012.00470.x

Picture: The entrance gate to Kattankudy (taken by SH Hasbullah)
