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We want to know why living beings vary and where it matters for ecology and for people.
We study the heritable and environmentally responsive variation of organisms in their environments. Many of our projects focus on plants, among Nature's master chemists and fixers of carbon. We are interested in the consequences of genetic variation for organisms and the ecosystems they form. In many projects, we partner with ecosystem managers including farmers, foresters, and conservationists.
We are affiliated with the Department of Geography and the Department of Chemistry at the University of Zurich. Together with Earth System Science, Remote Sensing Spectroscopy, Remote Sensing of Environmental Changes and Remote Sensing of Water Systems, we make up the Remote Sensing Laboratories, which have a long and successful history in Zurich.
We are part of the University Research Priority Program on Global Change and Biodiversity, partners in UPSCALE, collaborators of the Biology Integration Institute ASCEND, and contributors to sMile. We are initiators of "Genes from Space" and the the Earth Metabolome Initiative.
In addition, we lead or participate in different projects about the genetic and biochemical diversity of life and its important and practical consequences.