Environment and Climate
Geography Teacher Training
Glaciology and Geomorphodynamics
Tel.: 044 63 55208
Room number: Y25 L 32
Research Interests
- natural hazards and risks in high-mountain regions
- hazard and risk assessment and mapping
- disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation
- use of remote sensing, GIS, and numerical models
- risk perception, local knowledge
- interdisciplinary collaborations and know-how transfer
- Alps, Andes, Himalayas, Central Asia
See also our HARIMO group website!
Since 2021 | Reducing GLOF vulnerability in Central Asia: Comprehensive GLOF risk assessments and management, incl. monitoring and warning. Adaptation Fund / UNESCO |
Since 2021 | Development of innovative products on glacier observations derived from satellite data for serving scientific interests and operational needs in the Alpine region. ESA |
Since 2020 | India DRM Design and implementation of GLOF Early Warning Systems in the Teesta Basin, Sikkim, India. SDC |
2019 - 2022 | IPCC ECS training and mentoring Mentoring and training program for a cohort six Early Career Scientist from Developing countries, to prepare them for taking up a role in IPCC related processes in the future. SDC |
2019 - 2020 | Glacier Risk Management Guidelines India Mandate to elaborate national guidelines for the Management of Glacial Hazards & Risks in collaboration with the National Disaster Management Authority of India. SDC |
2011 - 2019 | Proyecto Glaciares Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction related to deglaciation in the Andes of Cusco and Ancash, Peru. SDC |
2016 - 2017 | Alcantara Integrating EO information for cascading landslide and flood hazard monitoring and early warning, Cordillera Blanca, Peru. ESA |
2014 - 2016 | S:GLA:MO Slope Stability and Glacier Lake Monitoring. ESA |
2012 - 2015 | IHCAP Indian Himalayas Climate Adaptation Programme. SDC |
2011 - 2012 | HighNoon Adaptation to Changing Water Resources Availability in Northern India with Himalayan Glacier Retreat and Changing Monsoon Pattern. EU (FP7) |
2007 - 2011 | GlobGlacier A Service for Glacier Monitoring from Space. ESA |