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Department of Geography

Xavier Balaguer Rasillo
Xavier Balaguer Rasillo, Dr.

Economic Geography

Room number: Y25 L 52

I am a postdoctoral researcher (Oberassistent) in the Economic Geography unit at the Geography Department at the University of Zürich. My research focuses on alternative economies and social transformations towards post-capitalism, as well as on food systems and political ecologies, particularly in relation to pesticide use in agriculture. I have been inspired by political economy, commoning, degrowth, and diverse economies approaches. Additionally, I am also interested in communication and scientific dissemination.

Alternative Economies

In my doctoral research, I investigated emerging forms of “commoning” and radical ecological citizenships in Catalonia, Spain, and examined responses to socio-environmental crises by analyzing new forms of monetary/non-monetary exchange/cooperation and emerging practices of degrowth. I explored how these self-organized social movements can contribute to theoretically conceptualizing and practically implementing alternative forms of economic and political governance and resistance.

Glyphosate and Food Systems

I am currently conducting a research project on the practices and discourses around the issue of pesticides (most notably Glyphosate) and the complexities surrounding its regulation.

Teaching and Supervision

I teach courses on the economic geographies of globalization and care work. I supervise Bachelor’s and Master’s theses on a variety of topics.

Some of the engaging work done by students can be found in the Creative Geography Lab of which I am an active curator.


2018-2022: University of Zürich

PhD in Economic Geography (Under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Christian Berndt, Prof. Dr. Karin Schwiter and Prof.Dr. José Luis Sánchez Hernández)

2012-2014: Humboldt-Universität, Berlin and University of Bath

MA Euromasters, Politics, Economics and Governance of Europe.

2007-2012: Universidad Carlos III, Madrid

Double Degree in Law and Political Science & Public Administration.

Critical Pony

The Critical Pony is a project designed to make the field of human geography more approachable and entertaining for a broad audience. Through bite-sized, engaging videos, I am trying to turn complex academic ideas into content that resonates on platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube Shorts.

You can have a look at the Critical Pony channels here: 

More information about the project here


Balaguer Rasillo, Xavier (2024) Bridging academia and social media: Gallopping with the Critical Pony .GIUZ Blog, 2024/11

Balaguer Rasillo, Xavier (2024) Economic processes from a critical standpoint: Video podcasts by students on an economic geography course.GIUZ Blog, 2024/09

Balaguer Rasillo, Xavier; Sarma, Jasnea and Mempel, Finn (2024) Launch of the Geography Creative Lab: Innovative student work at UZH in the spotlight .GIUZ Blog, 2024/09

Balaguer Rasillo, Xavier (2023) Video-Podcasts von Studierenden der Wirtschaftsgeographie.GIUZ Blog, 2023/02

Balaguer Rasillo, Xavier & Manuel Wirth (2020). Rethinking Economy in times of Covid against the backdrop of disaster. GeoAgenda Geographies of Covid 19, 2020/04

Balaguer Rasillo, Xavier; Berndt Christian; Schwiter, Karin; Keller, Marisol; Stingl, Isa; Wiederkehr, Christine; Wirth, Manuel; Noori, Simon; Steiner, Jennifer; Herrigel, Johanna (2020). The impact of Covid-19 from an economic geography perspective. GIUZ Anniversary blog

Balaguer Rasillo, Xavier & Sobral, Ana (2020) Invited to contribute to podcast Truth to Power on Rap and Resistance in Spain after the 2008 economic crisis which aired in Radio and Radio Bern 95.6 MHz

Balaguer Rasillo, Xavier & Tulpe, Michael (2019) Wachstum, «Degrowth» und Marxismus. AntiKap Magazine Nr 9, 2019.

Balaguer Rasillo, Xavier (2015). Podemos y la renta básica ciudadana, un debate necesario. Published in online law and politics blog “Hay Derecho” on 17 July 2015.

Balaguer Rasillo, Xavier (2015). Imaginémonos el dinero. Published in online law and politics blog “Hay Derecho” on 8 may 2015.

Public Talks


International Critical Geography Conference - Mexico: Lo comunitario y alternativas campesinas a la agroindustria capitalista en México


Global Economic Geography Conference - Dublin: Digital commoning and post-capitalist crypto-economies. The case of FairCoop

Doctoral Public Defence - Zürich University: Alternative Economies and Commoning in Catalonia: Degrowth practices for Post-Capitalist Worlds


Venice Biennale of Architecture: Foundations/ Token: Hosted by Carla Leitao.

Markets and power in the digital age - Neuchatel: Digital geographies of resistance and alternative economies: the cases of FairCoop and Komun as grassroots technological innovations for the commons.

International Degrowth and Ecological Economics Conference - Manchester: Social currency and eco-networks in Catalonia: post-capitalist economies as commoning.


International Critical Geography Conference - Urban Contestations: Alternative Economies and Commoning in Catalonia, Degrowth practices for new worlds

Guest Lecture at Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona: Desenvolupament sostenible, decreixement i cooperativisme en Catalunya


Lange Nacht der Kritik Zürich: Degrowth and activism. Practices of ecological cooperation and resistance


Tangible and Intangible Commons: A symposium at Brighton School or Architecture and Design: Intangible commons as tangible commoning: the materiality of making 
