Sara Racca joined the Department of Geography in 2023, and is a Postdoc in the URPP Language and Space/UFSP Sprache und Raum, University of Zurich.
In 2022, Sara obtained her PhD in Humanities - Italian Dialectology, Linguistic Geography and Sociolinguistics, University of Turin (Italy). Title thesis: “Moving names and places: urban socio-toponomastics in Savigliano (Italy)”.
Research interests
Toponomastics (urban top., socio-top., microtop.), GIS applied to linguistics and toponomastics, Linguistic atlases, Italian dialectology, Fieldwork, Frame semantics, Narrative change.
Sara is currently working on her own project entitled “Cities in a City. Mental Mapping and Naming Practices in an Urban Environment”.
A list of publications and more information can be found here: