Labour Geography
Tel.: 044 635 51 44Room number: Y25 L 70christiane.meyer-habighorst@geo.uzh.ch
As part of the research group Labor Geography, my research focuses on the transformations and socio-spatial dimensions of labour in the context of urban digital platforms in the care sector. I am particularly interested in questions of intersectional inequality as well as the socio-political implications of the platformisation of care services from a multi-level governance perspective.
More broadly, I am interested in the socio-spatial manifestations of various phenomena of global change in urban space, with a focus on critically examining their influence on (existing) inequalities and injustices. My research interests are:
- Critical urban studies and geographies of (in)justice
- Labour and digital geography
- Feminist theory
- Participation and co-production
- Qualitative methods
Ph.D. project
My dissertation project focuses on digital urban platform economies in the care sector. In the context of senior /child care, I examine the socio-spatial effects of digitally mediated care services in the platform economy and ask how they transform and shape everyday life and (intersectional) inequalities in the urban space. Using feminist theories, my focus is on examining the individual experiences of workers in the named context. In addition, I am particularly interested in looking at the socio-political and regulatory contexts that influence care work mediated through platforms. In doing so, I consider the urban local level as well as the regional, national, and international scale. My research has a geographical focus on the city of Zurich, Switzerland.
The dissertation is part of the trinational research project Urban Platform Economies: Transformations of labour and intersectional inequalities (TICS). TICS is a trinational collaborative WEAVE-project by Sybille Bauriedl and Me-Linh Riemann (University of Flensburg), Anke Strüver and Janne Lentz (University of Graz) as well as Karin Schwiter and myself (University of Zürich), funded by the German Research Foundation, the Austrian Research Funds, and the Swiss National Science Foundation, running from 2022 to 2025. The project is located at the intersection of feminist, labour, and digital geography. The empirical data will be collected in the Central European cities of Hamburg, Vienna, and Zurich.
Since 2022 University of Zurich, Ph.D. candidate in Labour Geography
2021 University of Freiburg, MSc in Geography of Global Change
2018 University of Münster, BSc in Geography (Major) and Public Law (Minor)
2016-2017 University of Salamanca (Spain), exchange semester
Publications and Presentations
Lentz, J.M., Meyer-Habighorst, C., Riemann, M. L., Strüver, A., Baumgartner, S., Staubli, S., Techel, N., Bauriedl, S. & Schwiter, K. (2025). From Exceptionalism to Normalisation: How Narratives of Platform Companies Legitimise Precarious Work and Commodified Care. Critical Sociology, doi.org/10.1177/08969205241306300.
Hobbs, M., Lentz, J.M., Meyer-Habighorst, C. a. Pasch, L. (2024). Warum wir mit einer Care-Perspektive auf Technologien und Digitalisierung schauen sollten. Feministische Geo-RundMail, 97, 4-10.
Wittmann, M., Mano, R., Meyer-Habighorst, C., André, D., a. Fünfgeld, H. (2024). Klimawandelbedingte psychosoziale Belastungen und wahrgenommene Anpassungskapazitäten bei Landwirtinnen und Landwirten. Standort, 1-8.
Aall, C., Meyer-Habighorst, C., Gram-Hanssen, I., Hanssen Korsbrekke, M. a. Hovelsrud. G (2023). “I’m Fixing a Hole Where the Rain Gets in, and Stops My Mind from Wandering”: Approaching Sustainable Climate Change Adaptations. Weather, Climate, and Society, 15(2), 349-364.
Gössling, S., Meyer-Habighorst, C. a. Humpe, A. (2021). A global review of marine air pollution policies, their scope, and effectiveness. Ocean and Coastal Management, 212, 105824.
Meyer-Habighorst, C., Mittmasser, C. a. Schwiter, K. (2024). This big shadow we need to turn into light' - How labour intermediaries moralise commodified domestic care work. Work and Social Justice in the Digital Age, Session: Implications of Platformisation in Domestic and Care Work, Zürich, 13.12.2024.
Meyer-Habighorst, C. (2024). 'This big shadow we need to turn into light': How moral entrepreneurs sell commodified care. Nordic Geographers Meeting, Session: Geographies on the axes of (in)equality and (in)justice, open session 4, Copenhagen, 27.06.2024.
Meyer-Habighorst, C. a. Schwiter, K. (2024). Zur Normalisierung von Plattformarbeit. Wie die Narrative von Plattformunternehmen prekäre Arbeit und kommodifizierte Sorgedienstleistungen legitimieren. Tagung Neue Kulturgeographie, Session: Plattformökonomie, Smart Technologies & Care, Münster, 24.05.2024.
Meyer-Habighorst, C. (2023). Crisis of Care und Plattformisierung: Ambivalenzen, Plattform-Logiken und der Einfluss auf Care-Arbeitende. Deutscher Kongress für Geographie, Session: Digitale Technologien in der häuslichen Care-Arbeit, Frankfurt a. M., 21.09.2023.
Meyer-Habighorst, C. a. Schwiter, K. (2023). Gig-work futures. How digital labour platforms in the care sector reshape labour and social reproduction. American Associaton of Geographers Annual Meeting, Session: Feminist economic geography and the future(s) of work and social reproduction, digital, 23.03.2023.
Meyer-Habighorst, C., Lentz, J. M. u. Riemann, M.-L. (2023). Urbane Plattformökonomien: Transformationen von Arbeit und intersektionale Ungleichheiten in der Care-Arbeit. Tagung Neue Kulturgeographie, Session: Plattform Urbanismus & Digitalisierung, Halle, 28.01.2023.
Fricke, C. a. Meyer-Habighorst, C. (2022). Knowledge Transfer and Mobility of Urban Housing Political Instruments in Germany. European Network for Housing Research Annual Conference, Session: Policy and Research, Barcelona, 01.09.2022.
Meyer-Habighorst, C. (2022). Feminist and Justice-Sensitive Perspectives on Climate Change Adaptation. International Feminist Geography Conference Pushing Boundaries, Session: Climate Change II, digital, 17.06.2022.
Meyer-Habighorst, C. (2019). Motive und Auswirkungen einer gärtnerischen Aneignung des öffentlichen Raumes. Deutscher Kongress für Geographie, Session: Urban Food Governance und aktuelle Ernährungspolitiken, Kiel, 29.09.2019.