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Department of Geography

Changyu Han
Changyu Han
PhD candidate

Geographic Information Systems

Room number: Y25 J 92

Research Interests

  • Spatial mobility
  • Urban informatics
  • Human computer interaction

PhD Project

Modeling restorative places from daily mobility data to explore functions of healthy aging
“Have you ever been having an exhausting day, feeling stressed or feeling down but found yourself pleasantly distracted and relaxed after spending time somewhere? “

Changes in feelings and emotions are strongly dependent on the surrounding environment. Some places can help people raise mood and recover from fatigue and stress, providing psychological support. Since a challenge for healthy aging is to promote the mental health and well-being of older adults, understanding how people experience restorative functions in daily life is an effective action towards healthy aging. My project explores restorative places and spatiotemporal patterns of activities by rebuilding the day from daily mobility and self-report data, collaborating with the UZH Healthy Longevity Center.

Supervisors: Dr. Cheng Fu, Prof. Dr. Robert Weibel


“Modeling restorative places from daily mobility data to explore functions of healthy aging”, 13.12.2022, PhD concept talk, Colloquium of Geographic Information Science, University of Zurich

"Understanding Building Energy Efficiency in Glasgow by Multi-source Deep Learning Framework", 1.3.2022. AAG 2022 Symposium on Data-Intensive Geospatial Understanding in the Era of AI and CyberGIS: Urban Visual Intelligence.


2022 – present University of Zurich
PhD candidate in Geographic Information Science
Research topic: Place modeling from daily mobility data
2021 University of Glasgow
M.Sc. in Urban Analytics
Master thesis: Measuring variability of segregation across space and social-demographics by human mobility
2019 Beijing Institute of Technology
B.E. in Electronic Information Engineering
Bachelor thesis: Design of a simulation software platform for target detection in remote sensing images by deep learning