Soil Science and Biogeochemistry
Room number: Y25 K 66guido.wiesenberg@geo.uzh.chWebsite
Further information
Research focus
The main aim of my research is an improved understanding of element and nutrient cycling in various terrestrial ecosystems including plant-soil systems, peatlands, sedimentary records, and loess-paleosol sequence. Specifically, environmental change impacts in past, recent and future ecosystems are of majore interest. In this line, I use numerous tools, but have specific expertise in application of molecular proxies from different compound classes (including, e.g., lipids, lignin, burning markers, plant pigments) and stable isotope techniques (monitoring and labeling) and modeling.
Social Media and Networking
Publication Databases
Project Databases
A selection of "fun" demonstration experiments were recorded for teaching and other activities. open
Physical Geography Laboratory at the Department of Geography
Take a virtual lab tour through our labs and explore some of our infrastructure and methods. open
Selected recorded presentations at conferences and other occasions are accessible, here. open
Soil Movies
Have a look at some soil related movies that were prepared as part of teaching or research activities. open
1993-2000 University of Cologne, Diplom-Geologist (MSc in Geology)
2000-2004 University of Cologne, Dr. rer. nat.
2008-2013 University of Bayreuth, Habilitation with venia legendi in Geoecology
2013-2014 University of Zurich, Habilitation with venia legendi in Physical Geography
2000-2004 University of Cologne, Research Assistent (wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, PhD student)
2004-2006 University of Cologne, Research Associate (wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Postdoc)
2006-2012 University of Bayreuth, Research Associate (Akademischer Rat auf Zeit)
2008-2014 Applied University Weihenstephan-Triesdorf, Lecturer
2011-2012 University of Bayreuth, Substitute Professor for Agroecosystem Research
2012-2014 University of Zurich, Research Associate (Oberassistent)
2014-2014 Universitée Pierre et Marie Curie, Guest Professor
since 2014 University of Zurich, Research Associate (wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter)