Dario Püntener
PhD candidate
Soil Science and Biogeochemistry
Room number: Y25 K 68dario.puentener@geo.uzh.ch
I am a PhD student working on the SNF founded project IQ-SASS - Improved Quantitative Source Assessment of organic matter in Soils and Sediments using molecular markers and inverse modeling. Find more here.
Since 2021: University of Zurich, PhD Student in Physical Geography
2019 - 2021: University of Zurich, Master of Science in Geography (Physical Geography)
2015 - 2019: University of Zurich, Bachelor of Science in Geography (Major) and Biology (Minor)
FS22, FS23, FS24 - GEO 241 Physische Geographie IV: Grundlagen Boden-Pflanze-Umwelt
FS23, FS24 - GEO 386 Bachelor's Thesis
HS23 - GEO 342 Vertiefung: Boden-Pflanze-Umwelt